IRC Artist Spotlight – Merana Cadorette
The Artist Spotlight showcases local artists and how they see Indian River County in their own eyes. Whether it is a recreation of a scene or an abstract piece that was inspired by a location or business we want to include them all. This month’s artist is Merana Cadorette! To learn more about this amazing artist check out the following Q&A and some photos of her work!
Special thanks to the Cultural Council of Indian River County for helping us select these amazing artists!

1. How long have you lived or have been visiting Indian River County?
We moved to Indian River County in the fall of 1998 and rented in Vero while we built our home. We moved in there in, spring of 2001.
2. What do you love the most about experiencing our county?
The people. Almost everyone is friendly and helpful.
3. Which part of Indian River County inspires you to create your pieces?
I’m actually a big fan of the view from our back porch. Beautiful sunrises over a large pond; lots of Florida egrets, herons, eagles; with the occasional aircraft landing…
4. How long have you been working in this medium?
I work in several media, predominantly acrylics, watercolors, and hand-sculpted ceramics. Ceramics was the dominant media in high school and for about five years after, when I began watercolors. Acrylics began when I went back to college in the late 1980s. I have also done work in pen & ink, bronze, wood, hand-pulled prints, and a marble relief.
5. Are you self-taught or did you go to school for art?
I’ve had several excellent teachers and mentors both in high school and college. I’ve taken a few specialty courses (bronze casting for example). But I have learned a lot from the work of fellow artists, and critiques and comments from friends and family, too.
6. What motivated you to dedicate your time to your art?
It’s like breathing…I just have to do it. Even when I get busy and have other events in life take me away from my artwork, I NEED to get back to it…creating art is my addiction.
7. What is your favorite area in Indian River County that is off the beaten path?
Home! Our community has existed for over 40 years, since before I-95 was created, but very few people realize it’s here…so I’m not posting the name!
8. Is this a hobby or your business?
It’s been both. I created a watercolor that became an official Girl Scout poster, many years ago. I also have published (or was published) a few books of my artwork, notably, “Gates of Savannah” which sold out its edition of1500”. Now, I have a book (“A Brief History of Dragons”) of my pen & ink dragon drawings on Amazon. It’s the first time I offer both a print and an ebook. Currently, I am taking a break from active gallery time and focusing on digital marketing platforms and social media. I’ve also been entering online, international juried shows. This all gives me a far wider reach and audience. I plan to do local shows and events as things reopen.
9. What can our followers and readers expect from you in the future in terms of creative expression?
More grandson and family art for sure! I hope to get another book out next winter, I have most of the illustrations done. I’m always adding to our home, I’d love to do some outdoor sculpture, just maybe…. Lately, I have also succumbed to the lure of painting beach images.
A brief bio…
Merana Cadorette fell in love with creating when she got her hands on crayons and hasn’t quit making things since. From a 42’ x 150’ acrylic mural to miniature ceramic sculptures; her artwork covers a broad spectrum of sizes and mediums. Some themes: aviation, orchids, cloudscapes, landscapes, mindscapes, family, and her grandson. 28 of her watercolors were published as “Gates of Savannah”, History Press. 18 pen & inks are currently a book, “A Brief History of Dragons” on Amazon. Recently, she’s juried into several digital international exhibits, placing in many of them. NOAP; placed 4th, 2019 American Art Awards, (‘Impressionism–Human’). 2020 an 8th place painting, (10th overall) in the LightSpaceTime All Women’s show, and then 2 pieces placed in the LightSpaceTime’ “Art in Isolation”. She’s also juried into a couple of Fusion Art shows last autumn and another LightSpaceTime show. She had 2nd place at the Backus “Best of the Best, 2020. 2021 saw an image of hers published in Artstonish magazine. Her work has often been displayed in the Cultural Council’s AIPP program, mostly at the Vero Beach Airport recently. She is a lifetime member of the Vero Beach Art Club and her work is now online at Fine Art America.
We hope you enjoyed learning about Merana Cadorette and how Indian River County has been her home and inspiration at times. Click Here for more from Merana and don’t forget about her Social Media.