IRC Photographer Spotlight Series – Kelly Stith
Indian River County – Photographer Spotlight Series!
Welcome to 2021! In 2020, you saw some of Indian River County’s best photographers! We have had some incredible talented participates in our Photographer Spotlight series and very sad that we only have two more photographers left. This month’s selection is Kelly Stith (@doingbiz @doingbizdslrdrone Kelly is a business consultant that has a love for visual media and you can definitely see that in all of the work he does.
Continue reading to learn more about this talented photographer!
1. How long have you lived or have been visiting Indian River County?

I first visited (Indian River County) in September 2015. Knowing I was going to start caddying at Quail Valley golf club in January 2016. I’ve been coming seasonally since then up until this season because of covid-19.
2. What do you love the most about experiencing our county?
I love the access to water. The beach, the lagoon, the lakes, the river, and the canals. I love all the activities that come with that.
3. What’s your favorite place in our county to shoot? And Why?
I like shooting at the Seaquay or Vero Pier. It makes a great foreground for sunrises and a great background for portraits. I haven’t done many portraits. But I’ve seen others doing it.
4. How long have you been a photographer?
I’ve taken pictures since I was 7 or 8 years old but those were snapshots. When I formally started thinking about photography the first time was in college when I took a semester course. But then I found film and television and abandoned still photography until I started coming down to Vero beach.
5. Are you self taught or did you go to school to become a photographer?
I took one course in college but the things I’ve learned the most have been from YouTube in the last four or five years.
6. What motivated you to get behind the lens?

I’ve always loved visual media. That’s why I worked in television for 22 years.
7. What is your favorite area to photograph that is off the beaten path?
I really like taking pictures at Quail Valley golf club. They have big bodies of water there which make for great reflections and lots of wildlife like birds and gators.
8. Is this a hobby or your business?
It’s a hobby for now but I’m being encouraged to start selling some of my photos. I’m looking into that.
9. What can our followers and readers expect from you in the future in terms of creative expression?
I just want to keep improving on my composition and editing techniques and I’ll see what inspires me as I go along.