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Tips to Help You Actually Unplug During Vacation

Tips to Help You Actually Unplug During Vacation

Having a hard time “unplugging” from work life while you’re supposed to be on vacation? You’re not alone.

waterfront hotel

According to a recent survey from Marriott Reward’s Global Travel Tracker, less than half (47%) of Americans have the luxury to completely disconnect from email, social media, and technology while they’re on vacation.

Yet most of us understand the importance of taking a break every now and then. Vacations help us relax, rejuvenate, and reconnect with our loved ones. Some 37% of families say that vacationing together makes them happy — more than any other activity.

So if you need some help getting a technology detox, here are a few tips and suggestions to really unplug while you’re on vacation:

  • Plan Ahead. Notify your co-workers and any clients about your time away before hand, and make sure to delegate any major responsibilities to another colleague (and offer to do the same for them in turn). To avoid the temptation to check your inbox, write an Auto Reply message. Leave the Laptop at Home. If you really want to avoid digital temptation altogether, don’t bring along your computer for “what-if” emergencies, or even for recreation. No screen can beat the views you’ll find at a waterfront hotel, and many types of lodging facilities have guest computer areas just in case you need to put out a work-related fire or print boarding passes. Don’t Text and Beach. When you can, opt to leave your smartphone in your hotel room while you’re out on the beach or exploring the city for the day. This is your time, and you shouldn’t need to spend it worrying about what everyone else is doing back home. Readjust. All good vacations must come to an end. Take the time while you’re unpacking to browse through your missed emails and get a mental head start on the work week after your return. It’s also a great time to start planning your next getaway!
  • Plan Ahead. Notify your co-workers and any clients about your time away before hand, and make sure to delegate any major responsibilities to another colleague (and offer to do the same for them in turn). To avoid the temptation to check your inbox, write an Auto Reply message. Leave the Laptop at Home. If you really want to avoid digital temptation altogether, don’t bring along your computer for “what-if” emergencies, or even for recreation. No screen can beat the views you’ll find at a waterfront hotel, and many types of lodging facilities have guest computer areas just in case you need to put out a work-related fire or print boarding passes. Don’t Text and Beach. When you can, opt to leave your smartphone in your hotel room while you’re out on the beach or exploring the city for the day. This is your time, and you shouldn’t need to spend it worrying about what everyone else is doing back home. Readjust. All good vacations must come to an end. Take the time while you’re unpacking to browse through your missed emails and get a mental head start on the work week after your return. It’s also a great time to start planning your next getaway!
  • Plan Ahead. Notify your co-workers and any clients about your time away before hand, and make sure to delegate any major responsibilities to another colleague (and offer to do the same for them in turn). To avoid the temptation to check your inbox, write an Auto Reply message. Leave the Laptop at Home. If you really want to avoid digital temptation altogether, don’t bring along your computer for “what-if” emergencies, or even for recreation. No screen can beat the views you’ll find at a waterfront hotel, and many types of lodging facilities have guest computer areas just in case you need to put out a work-related fire or print boarding passes. Don’t Text and Beach. When you can, opt to leave your smartphone in your hotel room while you’re out on the beach or exploring the city for the day. This is your time, and you shouldn’t need to spend it worrying about what everyone else is doing back home. Readjust. All good vacations must come to an end. Take the time while you’re unpacking to browse through your missed emails and get a mental head start on the work week after your return. It’s also a great time to start planning your next getaway!
  • Plan Ahead. Notify your co-workers and any clients about your time away before hand, and make sure to delegate any major responsibilities to another colleague (and offer to do the same for them in turn). To avoid the temptation to check your inbox, write an Auto Reply message. Leave the Laptop at Home. If you really want to avoid digital temptation altogether, don’t bring along your computer for “what-if” emergencies, or even for recreation. No screen can beat the views you’ll find at a waterfront hotel, and many types of lodging facilities have guest computer areas just in case you need to put out a work-related fire or print boarding passes. Don’t Text and Beach. When you can, opt to leave your smartphone in your hotel room while you’re out on the beach or exploring the city for the day. This is your time, and you shouldn’t need to spend it worrying about what everyone else is doing back home. Readjust. All good vacations must come to an end. Take the time while you’re unpacking to browse through your missed emails and get a mental head start on the work week after your return. It’s also a great time to start planning your next getaway!

It’s important to soak in every moment if you want get the most out of your waterfront hotel or seaside resort. That means enjoying your vacation with all of your senses: sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touch. Put your work away and allow yourself the time to relax and reconnect with the “real world” around you.

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